Project Components

Summary of Project Components and Phases


COMPONENT A: Dryland Management:

Support Strategic Watershed Planning processes, prioritize major investments to address desertification and land degradation in northern Nigeria at Federal and State level and complement investments at community level

ACReSAL components and summary of potential activities

Component A

Dryland Management



Interventions/ Activities


A1: Watershed Management



·        Identification of strategic watershed boundaries

·        Establish knowledge base on watersheds

·        Stakeholder engagement/ Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for enhanced planning

·        Performance analysis of institutional framework

·        Field Trip, knowledge exchange visit

·        Development of watershed management plans

·        Prioritization workshop of investments in the watersheds

·        Appraisal and validation of plans (20 watershed plans)

·        Capacity building and training of Catchment Management Structures


A2: Landscape Investments



·        Sand dune stabilization interventions including the establishment and maintenance of plant nurseries of assorted species and post-planting operations

·        Watershed and catchment management interventions to better control sedimentation into existing dams

·        Construction and/or rehabilitation of integrated small storage/small dams multipurpose reservoirs and irrigation development

·        Flood control and erosion works to improve landscape functions, and sensitization, mobilization and organization of communities to manage erosion and prevent disasters

·        Identification and development of recharge areas to protect groundwater resources.

·        Large-scale agricultural investments such as rangeland management through also the improvement of fodder and fodder nurseries as well as integrated pest management programs


A3: Special Ecosystems



·        Wetlands restoration and management

·        Desert Oases management

·        Protected Area management (Woodlands, Gazetted forests, National Parks)

·        Procurement, Construction and support establishment of infrastructures and equipment for special ecosystems


Specific activities and investment will be identified throughout the course of the project, especially in year one, from the strategic watershed planning processes and local level engagement with local communities and stakeholders. Table 2 presents potential examples of investment and activities which could be undertaken over the lifecycle of the project.







Component B

COMPONENT B: Community Climate Resilience:

Improve agro-climatic resilience at community and household levels by promoting locally adapted Sustainable Land and Water Management (SLWM) strategies and through climate-smart approaches to agricultural and natural resource management

ACReSAL components and summary of potential activities

Component B

Community Climate Resilience



Interventions/ Activities


B1: Community Strengthening


·        Micro-watershed planning (200 micro-watersheds)

·        Formation or strengthening of inclusive community groups

·        Community sensitization *  Peace building initiatives to promote ownership, access and use of natural resources in a non-violent manner

·        Establishment of NRM committees in each community, which will include representatives from different livelihood groups and NRM user groups as well of vulnerable and marginalized groups

·        Social marketing campaigns to promote changes in behaviour that encourage gender-based violence (GBV)

·        Agro-climatic resilience training and participatory information dissemination16

·        Group management training


·        Conflict management training


·        Gender-based violence training


B2: Community Investments


·        Community-led landscape restoration based on FAO’s approach

·        Capacity building on landscape restoration and revegetation of degraded lands and rangelands

·        Establishment of revolving funds to finance the continuing operation of community investments

·        Establishment of community nurseries for selected agro-forestry projects and piloting hybrid agroforestry models on communal lands

·        Expanding agroforestry and agro-silvo-pastoral enterprise models

·        Promoting sustainable production of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) value chains

·        Climate smart rainfed agriculture through extension services technical assistance, financial management systems and business skills for farmer groups

·        Improving market access through shared transport logistics and provision of timely market information on crops

·        Constructing small-scale community storage and agro-processing facilities

·        Farmer-led irrigation development through awareness campaigns,, establishment of community revolving funds and improved access to markets and value chains

·        NWater and soil conservation practices

·        Improved crop varieties

·        Use of technology to optimize farm management


Specific activities and investment will be identified throughout the course of the project, especially in year one, from the strategic watershed planning processes and local level engagement with local communities and stakeholders. Table 2 presents potential examples of investment and activities which could be undertaken over the lifecycle of the project.




Component C

COMPONENT C: Institutional Strengthening and Project Management:

Improve the enabling institutional and policy foundation for integrated landscape management in Nigeria from ACReSAL activities to longer-term national framework and support overall project monitoring and management


ACReSAL components and summary of potential activities

Component C

Institutional Strengthening and Project Management




Interventions/ Activities


C1: Institutional and Policy Strengthening


·        Investments in Monitoring Infrastructure

·        Investments in Institutional Infrastructure (IT, office, connectivity)

·        Information services for integrated watershed management planning, coordination, and monitoring (knowledge base, online data/analytic services, decision support systems, e-packaging)

·        Policy Improvement (for innovations and institutionalization of integrated landscape/watershed management) at federal and state levels

·        Capacity building and outreach (in-person and virtual training, internships)


C2: Project Management


·        Providing support for key overall consultancies (e.g., to support project monitoring and management, watershed implementation support, and capacity-building), as well as incremental operating costs and systems for improving remote preparation and supervision of investment.

·        Providing support for the development of monitoring systems and dashboards and improving workflow processes to facilitate coordination across agencies at the central and state levels and public versions to improve transparency and outreach.





Specific activities and investment will be identified throughout the course of the project, especially in year one, from the strategic watershed planning processes and local level engagement with local communities and stakeholders. Table 2 presents potential examples of investment and activities which could be undertaken over the lifecycle of the project.